Tuesday 1 April 2008

A Welcome Change - The Birth Of Pakatan Rakyat

Finally! The birthing pangs felt since the 8th of March has now lead to official formation of 2-party system in Malaysia!

Today, the leaders of PAS, PKR and DAP formally announced the next level of their political evolution i.e. formalising their electoral victory into a new coalition by the name of Pakatan Rakyat or People's Alliance. Malaysia has truly come of age where we may now usher in the changes we, the rakyat, longed for.

To be honest, back in 1997 - 1998, when I was still in my university days, I often contended and spoke to my uni-mates that the best system for Malaysia then is not a 2-party system but instead, BN rule in perpetuity with a strong opposition keeping them in check. I often use a simplistic argument back then and that is to compare with Singapore's politics which acknowledging things could be done better here in Malaysia.

After the good ole' days of 8% GDP annual growth, which really translate to greater economic pie for everyone to share, to part with BN was an idea then unthinkable to me. Afterall, why break a system which worked? Hence, despite what Mahathir did to Anwar back in 1998, I never left my argument in support of BN. I contended that BA, the predecessor of today's PR, is only an unholy alliance to provide the backdoor entry for PAS to form an Islamic state, which to me then, was a greater evil.

Be that as it may, deep down, I know that Mahathir, despite his victory back in the 10th general election, was surviving on borrowed time. I have lost some confidence in BN but I strongly believe then BA will not work with PAS insistence on creating an Islamic state as their prime agenda. True enough, DAP reeling from the backlash from its traditional supporters, finally left in 2001 due to irreconcilable difference.

With time, changes come to pass while ideas evolve...

Source: http://www.bluedoorphoto.com/tours.htm

Looking back, I realised times and events have changed. I have also grown and aged. But nothing could be as profound as what transpired in the last 3 years which climaxed to mass rallies and revelations from October 2007 onwards. Since then, as the say, the rest is history. Well, let's just cross our fingers for now...

So, will PR, the descendant of BA, be of a better fate? I certainly hope so. PAS, despite not raising the issue of formation of Islamic state, has thus far shown to us, the rakyat, that under their rule guided by Islamic principles, it is not too bad afterall. The promised to defend the rights of all enshrined under the Constitution, even if they disagree with it. PKR, after a few years of setbacks has proven that multiculturalism is well and alive with its multi-ethnic, religion and creed members. DAP, true to its principles yet peppered with pragmatism, has thus far toned down on some of their demands that PAS to formally drop its call to form an Islamic state goal.

To Pakatan Rakyat, I wish you success in your endeavour. Always keep the rakyat interests at heart and the Constitution in your mind. Defend the weak, helpless and poor regardless of their origin and God willing, this nation will see the rise of a truly democratic and caring Malaysia.


zewt said...

i wonder if the mainstream will do a cover story on this....

Seaqueen said...

What do you mean Zewt in whether the mainstream will do a cover story on this?? Is there a reason if they should or shouldn't?

myop101 said...


zewt: hehe... wonder no more, it is published on front page of the Star yesterday...

seaqueen: well, MSM is not known to give fair coverage to the opposition. this explains his concern. but all the same, one can read it as headlines on the papers yesterday...