Monday 14 April 2008

Of Incessant Barking And Failed Silence Strategy

So silence didn't work huh? I thought it is all about "Working silently. Effectively. Showing results"?

I am puzzled with the sudden noise created by the canines. I mean barking is one thing but incessant barking? For that matter, incessant barking up the wrong trees?

If it was from Uncle Kit or Uncle Karpal, I might have given them a some consideration. Seriously, I know about their consistent approach towards the whole Malaysia being an Islamic state thing. But coming from the top Lassie, it reeks with hypocrisy. Where is OKT when his master, Najib, said Malaysia is an Islamic state back in July 2007? Why didn't he call for all political parties to rally against UMNO? Where is OKT when he was told to take back his memorandum on Article 121(1A) of the Constitution?

Yes, so what if deep down, every pious Muslim found within the ranks of PAS dreams of someday setting up an Islamic state in Malaysia? They at least fear Allah and believe in defending the rights of non-Muslims. Have such fear and respect for non-Muslim rights been shown by UMNO? Yet, I don't see Lassies running round this UMNO tree and barking at it.

OKT, stop being jealous. The likes of you have 50 years to do the right thing but you still can't get it right. You are in the government for crying out loud. Are you so powerless? Your party could have fought for the basic rights of the chinese. Yet, what have all of you achieved? Pleading and begging for TOLs?

PAS came to power in Perak and in less than a month in power, they offered PERMANENT land titles to the new villagers.
Where is this so called kampung boy when his fellow villagers are in need of a permanent solution to their land issues?

No amount of barking now will endear the likes of you to the rakyat.
Your only hope now is to dissolve MCA and abandon BN. Just be NGOs because that is what you are anyway.


Seaqueen said...

Hmmm...An Islamic Country my ass!! That's what they will hear from my mouth. Get our consent and vote then we'll see what they will do should be the way, but knowing how dirty they do their "jobs" I guess it doesn't make any difference. We'll see how well they continue in this manner without the support of other races.

myop101 said...

Dear seaqueen,

It is all rhetorics. That's what politicans do. But like you said, to implement it would need the support of others. But I don't mind if PAS apply the good principles in Islam in governing.

Is should be better than Hadhari right?