Monday 17 December 2007

A Merciful Joke

Something is reeking foul in our legal system these days. The powers that be must be sending out a very strong signal that the judiciary alone cannot be trusted to dispense with justice simply because it needed assistance from various parties outside the judiciary system to provide justice when it is due vis-a-vis eyes of the powers-that-be.


Firstly, those whom the powers-that-be kept ranting as associated with terrorists are arrested under ISA. To top it off, they are detained (without trial) for 2 years. Obviously, if the powers-that-be can't find a suitable solution using the normal route pursued by civil society i.e. via the judiciary system, something must be very wrong or inadequate with the present judiciary system. Afterall, if we hold the tenet "the accused is deemed innocent until proven guilty" must be tried and have a legal representation to defend itself before the charges. To deprive them of that meant that 1) in the eyes of the powers-that-be, they are already guilty and 2) this can be done in such a manner where the tea leaves read danger and threat and the tea leaves reading are publised and made known to the public.

Secondly, the attorney general is getting appeals from the PM to drop charges against those who have been charged with attempted murder in the recent HINDRAF rally. Now, one would have felt the PM is being very merciful to the 31 accused murderers. To be honest, what is the basis of giving them a pardon before being tried? Wait a pardon? I thought it is only dispensed by the King. Afterall, clear separation of power deemed it necessary that the executive be seen to be not interfering directly with the decisions of the judiciary and the one way to give a criminal a new lease of life as a free person is to seek the Yang Dipertuan Agong to pardon that person of his/her crimes. Of course, under the present system, the PM has set a very good precedent to all would be murderers. All you need to say is I was cheated into participating! Imagine if you are the person who almost lose your life doing your job as an enforcement officer, wouldn't you be damn pissed if no one gives a damn about the sacrifices you made in protecting your country interests. To top it of, your plight has been forgotten and it turns into a media spin to make the PM looks merciful. Is this justice?


Anonymous said...

Honestly I am not surprised that the charges against the attemped murder charges against the 31 were dropped. Wag the dogs, mate.
And btw, the police's promise to find the culprit to the SMS hoax of the Kg Baru clash will be forgotten in weeks. And we all know too well why, don't we?

myop101 said...

dear lyl,

have you ever wondered is it because they know they will be embarrassed in the court for being unable to prove their case or that it is merely a spin to make the PM shine saintly? Either way, I am sad for the injured policeman. I guess in a cynical sense, this is the way the powers that be is telling him he deserves what he is in for.

as for the SMS hoax, it might just be a feeble attempt to rile up the masses. it is obvious no one cared about the SMS. best example is no one bothered to show up in Kampung Baru. as for the identity of that person who first spread it, we all know the outcome so that hoax is really getting limelight for nothing.