Wednesday 7 May 2008

The Showdown

I can never compare myself to our folk hero, RPK. Seriously, what he is doing is something many of us who hide behind our pseudo names would think twice about doing in real life. Yet, deep down, who amongst us, given a choice, will not uphold justice and righteousness? Aren't we called to stand and help the weak, downtrodden and helpless?


I pray that the good Lord will keep RPK and his family safe and sound while justice be served. That the high court proceeding on October 6 to 10 will bring about revelations and evidences for the court of public opinion.

Where is my country heading to? Perhaps it is right to say, we live in interesting times. But I sure hope RPK will be safe. If not, I am sure the rakyat will respond accordingly. Let's hope things will be sorted out and the cruel killers of Altantuya face the gallows. As a nation, we owe it to her family and her.

Meanwhile, I have my own little battle to wage. My boss came back to me today to tell me that after his discussion with everyone (READ: senior management), they came to a conclusion that my 2 weeks notice is insufficient and instead, any short notice will depend on whether he is satisfied I have "completed the work to his satisfaction".

"You leave me with no choice, I have to give my 24 hours notice then."

He was shocked to hear that. I told him the 2 weeks notice is a notice, not a request. He disagrees because it has to be consensual (huh? he thinks this is sex is it?). I had to quote the staff manual description of course and give him an English definition of what notice meant in case he misunderstood...:P


That was when he raised the new project specter.

Which I exorcised it by telling him, it is a straight forward project with 2 months deadline and he has sufficient resources to manage it. He wasn't too pleased when I use two precise words; resource management.

Well, it didn't end there but suffice to say he knows my new employer is involved in a common project and he threatens to purposely delay the project out of spite for depriving him of a staff and blames it on my new employer. He wants my new employer to explain to our customer, what caused the delay. Well, any intelligent person can tell you that no one is on a project alone, they have other team players. But tsk, tsk... he said it out of anger. Shows how mature he is.

My respect for him has dropped. Whatever his reputation is in the market, I am sure it is merely hearsay.

Anyway, I am serving my 2 weeks notice. The responsible me tells me that only flash the 24 hours notice card as a last option. Wait, I did flash to him, but that is to pull a Mahathir. I mean, Mahathir didn't exactly raise the water prices right?


zewt said...

wahhh... change job again!

myop101 said...

dear zewt,

i must live up to my reputation ma...:P just kidding la... something came up and i am needed. so i am giving this job up lo...

Seaqueen said...

Wow! I like your style. Hhahaha!!! So let us know what you're up to when we meet up ok?? Next week ok?? Oh, forgot, did Zewt ask you on that?? He's wondering whether we can meet up next weekend.

myop101 said...

Dear seaqueen,

Yes, yes, i am free...:) let me know the time and place ya. we can take it offline i.e. e-mail/SMS la...