Tuesday 19 February 2008

It Doesn't End Here

This is the 3rd day since Fong Po Kuan announced her decision not to recontest for her Batu Gajah parliamentary seat. It is very discouraging to see a rising star choosing to opt out. What could be so discouraging that prevent her from serving effectively as a member of parliament?

Her blog, Chamber of Thoughts, shed little light except all she could offer is an apology. It appears she is not only "punishing" her supporters but importantly, she is punishing herself. Why? Why must she be so cruel to herself? Is this really self preservation? What would compel an idealistic 26 year old to brave an old world in hope of bringing changes to drastically reverse her course almost 10 years later?

Fong Po Kuan (冯宝君)
MP for Batu Gajah
(Taken from her blog. The funny thing is, she still identifies herself as MP for Batu Gajah)

Some of her commentators are less forgiving. From being labeled as selfish to being a quitter, one sees great disappointment and disillusion. The comments sometime border on exasperation and desperation. This merely echoes the deep sentiment of the rakyat, fed up with continued broken promises, lies and neglect. Various reasons are given to coax her and yours truly also posted two comments plus signing up for a petition in hope it will jolt her to reality. It is so personal as Ricky, a 54 years old commentator, wrote:

I am 54 years old and have been a full supporter of DAP all my life. I am begging you to retract your decision, if you want me to kneel down to beg I will do so.

Or, Sean, a father of 2, wrote:

I have 2 daughters. They are 3 and 1 year old. In fact, I would want them to look up to you as a good example of serving the people. I would be a proud dad if they can excel in life and gain respect and honour like you. Please retract your decision. I am now in tears(imagine a 37 year-old guy and a father of 2 said that).

Imagine, a 54 year old willing to kneel to beg while a 37 year old man cry. She surely must have done much good to raise the hopes of ordinary people like you and I to finally "feel" the winds of change sweeping the land. Yet, deep down, I doubt she will change her mind. She must have undergo a very strong blow to make this hard decision. It is afterall, easy to quit working in a company to go to the next after serving 8 years but imagine, a public figure stepping down due to mysterious reasons.

Whether she knows it or not, she has been a source of inspiration. As tan81 wrote:

Many years ago,when i know you became one of the youngest female MP of DAP, it was giving me an excited hope on malaysia future.I was 18 years old that day.After 5 years, i heard you defeat Ong, it gave me some hope on something can change in chinese society.

Will the requited love from her supporters overcome her fears? We can only look on to the future in hope she will.

Source: http://www.art.com/asp/sp-asp/_/pd--10316163/sp--A/Hope.htm
Good saying indeed, will we take cognizant and focus on what is more needful and important?

Meanwhile, the battle continues.

When all hope is almost lost, we have only each other to hang on to. Our faith and believe in the common good should remind us that our fallen comrades do put upon us additional burden to carry but it is not only hers alone to bear. So why should we be unduly harsh on her? She has her own demons to battle and until she overcomes it, we are but to raise a new champion and let those who are able to shine. We know who failed us. I believe our predecessors have given those who claimed to have development track records ample opportunities to improve the nation. Rightly or wrongly, with hindsight, we see the price of present development of the past and today is increasingly developing into future costs that our children and their children would have to bear with little benefits to reap.

We know Poh Kuan has anointed a successor, Su Keong Siong, formerly Pasir Panji state representative. Surely her 2-term good track record and endless pursue of justice tells us her choice will not be too far off? Should we not let her rest while we support the continuity of her legacy in her anointed successor? If we truly call ourselves Malaysian, our love for our motherland should compel us to bear the burden to bring changes to this land. Only from our common goal and united pursuit can we dare to hope for change.

So remember my fellow readers, think not that your 1 vote matters not but it is your one vote that will be edged in history as the 1 vote that collectively bring changes to this nation.


zewt said...

this news reall made the opposition look really bad....

i really need to write a point or 2 on this one...

myop101 said...

Dear zewt,

You should. The whole point of me writing this piece is so that people can accept Fong as another human being who deserves respect and rest and that hope is not lost as long as we are united by the common goal to deny BN the victory they crave so hard for...