Sunday 7 September 2008

Another Sandiwara...

Look, I am bored and anxious. Yes, yes it is an oxymoron but what am I to do?

Let me explain why am I bored. You see, these sandiwaras continuously being played out by BN component parties are tiring.

It always start with either some racial and/or religious related issues. What follows would be some component parties getting all upset and start making press statements. This of course followed by some defense from the first offender citing reasoning along the line of "demi bangsa, agama dan negara" or unsupported historical interpretation such as "British siding the Chinese by building schools in mining towns" (afterall, if that is the case, why should the Chinese build Chinese schools for their own community?).


And in the middle towards the end, there must always be someone high up who say things along the line, "race and religion issues are very sensitive and may result in violence and we need to calm down and work towards national intergration". All's "well and good" but for a few questions which I would like them to answer:

i) What happened to the so-called BN Supreme Council and/or Cabinet meetings which are supposed to be held regularly and issues such as this trashed out? Why do they need to resort to making press statements?

ii) Why don't the component parties ever carry out their civil threats i.e. withdraw from BN? (Perhaps the clues lie in this article?)

iii) Why are only component parties members being reprimanded with suspension from the parliament (remember S.Sothinathan being suspended for 3 months when he complained about the government de-recognition of Crimea State University medical degree) or forced to apologise (like that Cameron MP, K Dewamany over his comments relating to Hindraf) lest they face suspension but the likes of members of UMNO being left untouched (like how Abdullah said he accepted what Ahmad has to say?)


So until then, I will choose to remain bored and indifferent because any stupid reaction bothering on getting my blood boil
over some silly racial remarks will only increase my high blood pressure and causes me to have a stroke.

Meanwhile, I am anxious as well because BN tactics seem to force DSAI to move the deadline a day further i.e. Sept 17. This is what DSAI said:

But Anwar remained confident of toppling the BN by Malaysia Day, saying today he has enough BN MPs to form a government.

"So now maybe it will be the 17th when they return," Anwar told reporters in Jakarta where he attended a regional enterpreneurs conference.

So how am I not to worry? A day further means another day wasted for change.

I realise Malaysia truly have a chance to change for the better (or worse but so long as we don't try it, we sure as hell know where Malaysia is heading with BN in charge). But on the other hand, people like my dad keep saying that the powers-that-be will no relent in relinquishing power. They might resort to use violence if they have to. He afterall lived through May 13 in the heart of KL.

As much as I love living in interesting times, the anxiety is killing me...


Chicken Feet aka KaKiaYam said...


".. over some silly racial remarks will only increase my high blood pressure and causes m.."

you mean you are already having HBP now?

and sorry for not updating my blog, sigh...just no mood to do anything for the past one or two months, except for sleep...


zewt said...

cant be rush... like what rpk said... we all want a smooth and bloodless transition.

myop101 said...


chicken feet: well, i am at the borderline...hehe... no worries la...sometimes we need inspiration...:)

zewt: true, true... i guess with his article published yesterday, my anxiety dissipates somewhat because at least i get some info on the progress...:P