Friday 4 January 2008

It's All Your Fault!

I accidentally scratched my car the other day as I was making a turning. I had quite a few things on my mind. Also, as I have frequently made the same turning, I didn't really pay much attention to the road ahead. Before I scratched my car, I saw a guy walking about 10 metres ahead at the side of the road carrying two gas tanks. Thinking I should give some space to the gasman, I kept to my left, at the same time I kept thinking about work and I didn't look at my left mirror. And that’s when it happened. Luckily, it is only a minor scratch. Sigh… it must be the Mr Gasman’s fault. Why can’t he just use a trolley rather than carrying those tanks with his bare hands and obstruct the road? Plus why must I be pressured with work?


So I can somewhat sympathise Dr Chua when he blamed his downfall to his work commitment. I mean, if you are under such tremendous stress, you surely can’t hold it in and you need to release it right? And what’s with the Press? Can’t they stop speculating that he wants to take on the top Lassie? I have my fair share of Press-like people in my office too. One kept drawing stars and telling me I am one. This of course attracts unnecessary attention to me. I want a quiet and private life too. So then if Dr Chua must visit hundreds of hospitals and health facilities as testimony of his work commitment while making himself known to his party supporters, he certainly need some relaxation avenue right? Ok, it is not your everyday theme park games, watching TV or reading a book. Can’t a guy just have some fun with a personal gal friend?

So why can’ they give him a break? People should be forgiving right now that his private activities are made known to the public. Afterall, it is his personal life and why do these people need to raise his relaxation activity as a moral issue? Can’t they accept he too has needs?

As for me, I am damn unhappy with the scratch mark. I need to get it scrubbed and cleaned and hopefully the stain is too superficial to be seen. Damn you idiotic gasman and unnecessary work pressure. It is entirely your fault!


zewt said...

heh heh... are u being sarcastic?

well, he shouldnt have admitted to it. honesty is not the best policy here.

Anonymous said...

i can speculate many reasons why you scratched your car, one of which is you ride your car like it's stollen. but for old time sake, i think it is the gas man's fault too!

Anonymous said...

Maybe he should have fun with his wife rather than a personal gal friend...

Anonymous said...

There are thousand n one reason why guys need a personal gal friend.... maybe he just happened to cross the line ... just maybe .. :p

myop101 said...


It is the world's fault. I mean if mommy said don't touch a boiling pot and you do it, it is the pot's fault for being boiling hot right? in fact, it is mommy's fault for boiling it in the first place...:P

you know me too well...:P

anon @ Jan4:
Just maybe he might as well. afterall, who will be interested in a horny married couple going at it in the comfort and safety of a hotel room?

anon @ jan5:
well, he can have his reasons but he should keep his pants zipped up (or be smart at keeping it private) when he decided to go into politics. everything has a price and he shouldn't go round pleading for sympathy when there is a debt demanded of his head for breaking it.