Sunday 29 November 2009

It's been awhile

I realised my life is quite mundane. Everyday in fact is quite predictable. Monday to Friday will be workdays. It is also from Monday to Friday I rant about being exploited. Yet despite this, I allow myself to be exploited. I dream of making big bucks, only because I want to be free from this silly cycle of waking up with the first phrase being, "I am resigning today" instead of, "Praise be to the Lord for another new day."

On Saturdays, it will be "I sleep till 10.3o am" and lazying at home or going out with friends and Sundays being the day of the Lord. Being a sloth of sort, my weekends movements are quite restricted unless it involves either emergencies or obligations.

If only life moves like an escalator...

Of course, in between those working days, there will be problems to be solved and typical phrases being heard. The likes of which include, "I noticed your efficiency of late is falling," followed by "You need to prioritise" and finally after much hew and cry about being forced to labour for more than 14 hours a day "Don't give me problems, give me solutions." And then the case of being thrown last minute requests to finish a proposal within 1 day because "we need to stay competitive". I did complete it by the way, 30 minutes short of 24 hours deadline. Only to be told it was filled with minor errors that would erk the ever so intelligent and sophisticated clients.

So what can a person like me do? (It was the third time a fortnight ago I told my boss I am leaving soon to push some reality into the equation.) Silly huh?

Having been sucked by work and fed-up with the inertia of changes in this country, I have long abandoned my blogging activities. It is not intended, if only I have RM5 million in my bank account and zero debt to go with that.

But why blog again? I guess I enjoy writing and only by writing and opining in written format, for a moment, I am myself, not some slave that prostitutes for some monthly wages...:)

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